Supervision is not just about monitoring and checking that my work is ethical, safe and appropriately focused on the client, it is also about my own self-care, making sure I am not overwhelmed through vicarious trauma and ensuring that I am able to switch off which helps me to care for my own mental health so that I can support others with theirs.
Supervision is priceless, necessary and a gift. I grow so much as a professional and a person in my supervision sessions and am able to explore my own thoughts and feelings, which I am bound to have when I am in a therapeutic relationship where I am focused on the other person, supervision provides me with a space to think about me as a professional and a fellow human being. I don't have to be perfect but being willing to share my challenges as well as my strengths means I never forget what it feels like for a client who shares their struggles, joys and growth with me when I am being a counsellor.
I believe anyone working in a caring profession would benefit from having such a space even if it feels a bit scary and makes us vulnerable, it keeps us connected to ourselves and our work in a healthy way.
