The creative therapy that I do with children and young people is non-directive, client-led and is not a 'quick fix' , it is a very child friendly intervention as play and creativity is often the language of children and young people, while they search for the emotional language they need to express themselves in verbal ways. Emotional support is offered whereby I aspire to be as non-biased and child focused as is humanly possible, I have no no agenda other than to emotionally support the child or young person to grow and develop in ways that supports them to have good mental health. Therapy provides a space for a child to work out their own thoughts and feelings with freedom and an openness that is often difficult for other adults in their lives to provide due to the responsibilities and tasks that must be fulfilled in other parts of their lives.
It is impossible to give a schedule to the number of sessions needed to support a young person as this intervention is child-led and not solution focused. Factors that often affect the length of therapy are:
The child is not enjoying or engaging in the therapy
Financial considerations for whomsoever are paying for the sessions.
If there is a better intervention that the
therapist identifies that would be of more support to the child.
I also think it important to point out that it is not part of my role to judge, assess or diagnose, my role is to provide materials and unconditional positive regard for the child and to support them to be able to self-regulate and feel emotionally strong so that they have the emotional language, self-awareness, and confidence to express their own needs to whomsoever they need to express those things to.
